Episodes Our Listeners Are Loving

In this blog, you will find our top 8 most listened-to episodes to date! Enjoy a crash course in all things The Ladies Who Lead!

  1. Entrepreneur and Love Shack Fancy Intern Talks Social Media Marketing

Maddie shares her ups and downs as a business owner and her social media internship with Love Shack Fancy. In this episode, you’ll get the inside scoop on all things social media marketing.

2. Passed Over to Promoted

Mary Guirovich opens up about being passed over to be promoted and how she uses her gifts to support ambitious women to actualize their highest potential so they can maximize their impact, income, and influence. I loved hearing about her latest book.

3. Building Trust and Influence

Hear from Erin as she discusses the importance of trust and influence in the workforce and how that has shaped her career.

4. How Blockchain Technology is Transforming Healthcare

Emily Bailey shares her story as a young female working in the tech world to now a working mom taking on Blockchain Technology in the HealthCare industry.

5. Leading in Tech from a Female Perspective

CEO and mother of two, Kellie shares what it means to show up as her best self and lead from a female POV while wearing many hats in Tech. This is an episode you will want to pull out a pen and paper because it's just that good! 

6. Fundrage: Turn Anger into Action

Do you feel outraged when you read the news? Take action, and give back in a way that you have never been able to before. Maria has revolutionized the way we think about how to make an impact based on news articles that we read. Learn more about the Chrome extension and her entrepreneurial journey as a female founder in the tech-startup space.

7. Failing Forward into a New Year

SK Vaughn opens up about some of her most cringest moments or as SK likes to call them set backs. We now know them as lessons. Listen along to learn her key takeaways from the book Failing Forward by John Maxwell.

8. Creating a Raise-the-Bar Mindset

Linda Stone is the Chief Operating Officer at Good Grit Agency. She has over 30 years of experience in organizational development of sustainable structures and systems. If you ever are lucky enough to be invited into Linda’s home, you’ll find a collection of coffee mugs representing all the places she’s traveled.


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